In my estimation, I think ….
In my estimation, I think March went out like a lion. I say that because last Wednesday morning, as I turned to go north on Main Street at the Methodist Church corner, I wondered what was going on. At first I thought it looked like smoke, then I realized it was snow. Sure enough, when I got there it was indeed snowing. Not much, but enough to collect on the street and it was blowing around. At least for a minute or so. Then I drove off and went up to Medford to have lunch with Mark. It was sunny all the way and we had a great meal.
Interesting, as across the street workmen were busy clearing off several old buildings to make room for another new Kwik Trip.
How many of you are familiar with a man by the name of Jerry Apps? If you are a faithful viewer of Public Television, then you are. I catch it occasionally and am always happy to see Jerry Apps on. I would guess most of the time they are reruns and a part of promoting Public Television, but he tells a good story.
Jerry hails from Wild Rose and is just a few years younger than I am. But the story he tells is about life on a farm, way back when. There are a few things different in Wild Rose than my grandfather found in his search for some free land back in 1884.
Never-the-less, times were about the same and Jerry shares those stories for his Public Television audiences. He has also written a number of books, I think like 35.
He grew up on a farm, attended the University of Wisconsin, served as a county agent and then became a professor at the University Extension.
When I say growing up on a farm, it might have been a bit smaller than our quarter section, but life was about the same. No electricity, no running water and milking cows by hand. A small family farm in those days.
I lost two pounds the other day. Just sitting in a chair, watching television. Of course, attached to my right arm was an IV needle and they were in the process of removing some fluid from my lungs.
It really wasn’t anything new. During the summer of 2018, the Clark Rehab and Living Center began their program to remodel and expand their building. This meant the front door was closed and entrance to the building was on the west end by the gym. Then there was a long walk with an incline to reach the first floor so I could go see Florence. There were days I had problems getting up that incline. I’d have to stop and get my breath.
I didn’t worry about it as I had a mission. To get over and visit with Florence, who would leave us in early October. At the time of her funeral, I wasn’t feeling just too well, but it wasn’t long before my next visit to see my doctor at the Marshfield Clinic.
The next thing I knew I was also going to something called the Congestive Heart Department (CHD). There I met a nice nurse by the name of Jolene who checked me out and occasionally changed the amount of water pills I was taking.
Along with my walking stick, cane, and Tommy the walker, I was doing fairly well getting around. This past winter things began to change. I was having trouble even walking around the house. I’d get out of breath and need to sit and recover.
Then came spring and time for another visit to the CHD. It had to be changed to a phone conversation as she had to be quarantined, but thankfully never got the virus.
So that brought up my appointment the other day. She followed the same procedure and asked a lot of questions, then began changing some of my medicine and adding another. Then came the suggestion about taking some fluid. Couldn’t I say no? Not really as several years ago I was having blood drawn in the lab and the nurse suggested I didn’t look the age it showed on my chart. I suggested that was because I’ve let the clinic take care of me the past 50 years. Later I was telling Jolene this story and she suggested maybe I could become a poster child if the clinic wanted to use it for a promotion.
But back to my time with the IV in my arm. A nurse came in on a regular basis to check how things were going, but the rest of the time I just sat there watching television. I must have even dozed off and one time the motion lights even went out I was being so quiet.
Once the time was up and I got unhooked from everything, they escorted me to the scale. Down two pounds from what it had been two hours before.
Next I noticed how much better I felt. Getting around really improved. My walking stick, cane, and Tommy the walker, weren’t doing the trick. Even in the house I might have to stop and catch my breath.
The real test came Thursday when I had a meeting at Thomas Apartments. Generally, I pull in and park in the parking lot. That day a tree trimming truck was blocking the driveway. So I had to walk in from the street. No problem and this morning I got my mail and came out without taking a rest before I left the building.
I have to go back in a couple of weeks for a check up. Hopefully all will still be as good as it has been the last few days.
When I was sending Florence’s brother a gmail birthday card, I told him about my experience. No problem making 100, I told him.