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Writer questions need for referendum projects

Vox Pop

Pat Sullivan, I am writing to you because I feel that you this is the only way to have our voices heard to you.

Is it really necessary to have a bigger cafeteria when you have less students attending now than you did say 10 years ago? No. I grew up in a different town, roughly double the size of Medford, we had approximately the same sized cafeteria and we lived. We had one gym, and somehow managed to live once again, but wait we didn’t have a pool. Why not use your pool that you just made a bunch of “improvements” on that clearly did not get done properly.

You are able to use the outdoors from roughly September until at least October and then again in mid-March into the beginning of April until the end of the school year for Phys. Ed. classes, if you are so worried about COVID running through the schools then get outside. In the winter you can snowshoe or cross-country ski. I get it is cold, but bundle up. We expect students at MAES and SES to go run around outside. High schoolers can too.

Most kids are on electronic devices in school, my children who are at MAES are on their electronics way more than I would like them to be on them during school days. I had a typewriter in grade school, I had a big chunky computer in middle and high school to do research on. We had to play games, do activities, and Heaven forbid look in books to find answers on.

Why not improve the building systems and infrastructure, make repair of the parking lot, and repair of the roof that should have been repaired years and years ago your main focus?

What exactly are you using those lots that you bought for $411,000? Oh wait, Nothing! That was almost a half million dollars that you could have used to put towards your $6.2 million dollar repair costs on improving the infrastructure. But you go and spend it on nothing but land.

Why not tell the taxpayers that you often take long lunches on Fridays to spend our money on eating out? I specifically saw yourself and a few other members of administration at the Sport’s Page on Friday March 12, 2021 throwing laughs, eating, and enjoying what looked to be sodas…..but??? I have inside information that this is a typical occurrence on Fridays in public places around town with members of the administrative teams. How much do these weekly lunches costs us as taxpayers? Likely an easy $100 as there were four of you present, mind you not abiding by any social distancing practices or face masks. Yet you enforce masks within the school buildings.

I hope this does not pass once again, and you can get off your high horse you think you are riding on. Get over yourself and let people talk for themselves instead of insulting those who do not approve.

— Brittany Reinhart, Medford