Longtime Loyal firefighter, EMT named Citizen of the Year

For many years, Dave Esselman has gone out of his way to support the people around him. It was not too surprising then to see him attending the Loyal Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet on March 31. He had gone to support a friend, he said, whom he had been told was selected as the Citizen of the Year. It came as a total shock then, when he heard his name called for the annual award.
“I was going there under false pretenses,” Esselman said. “I was going to support someone else. I was given a name and I had thought that they deserved it and wanted to be there to support them for that. But once Grace (Genteman) started reciting the numbers it clicked. I was very shocked and definitely surprised.”
Esselman was chosen for this year’s Citizen of the Year award by the Chamber of Commerce for his many years of service in the community as a member of the Loyal Fire Department and as an EMT in the Loyal Ambulance Crew. After serving for 34 years on the Fire Department and for 28 years as an EMT, it was time to acknowledge the work Esselman had done for others, whether they were a friend or a stranger.
“Many things can be said,” said Grace Genteman when announcing Esselman had been chosen. “He is one that would give the shirt off his back for another. He runs towards trouble rather than away from it. He is always helping others and never expects anything in return.”
Remaining humble, Esselman said for him, the work he has done over the years was only ever about helping those around him. In his many years as a fireman and EMT, he said he has seen both bad times and good times, and it would be wrong to only be a friend when times were easy.
“Working and helping people in Loyal, it’s not a job. I enjoy it,” he said. “There is a verse that says, ‘It is in giving that you receive.’ So true... I grew up here,
Dave Esselman was chosen as this year’s Citizen of the Year by the Loyal Chamber of Commerce during its annual banquet held on March 31. Esselman has been a member of the Loyal Fire Department for more than 30 years and an EMT for 28 years.
these are my family and friends. We need to be there in good times and in tough times. No one wants to see difficulties and sometimes the job is hard, but there is also good. You can see life come into the world. It is very rewarding.”
The surprise of receiving the annual Citizen of the Year honor was not the only surprise Esselman received that evening. Since his family had been told beforehand about the award, they prepared by getting everyone together for a surprise appearance after he was selected.
Members of the family came from as close as Loyal and from as far away as Minnesota to see him and support him, which was both a shock and a blessing for Esselman. “That is hard to describe,” he said, reflecting on his family’s appearance at the banquet. “We are a close-knit family, we were always there for each other, and they came from all over, they came to support me. It was awesome and very heartening.”
The Loyal Chamber of Commerce also selected the Loyal Veterinary Services S.C. as the Business of the Year. The business has had a presence in Loyal for more than 40 years and has helped give health services to thousands of pets and livestock.
In addition to the annual awards, the Loyal Chamber of Commerce also recognized the milestones of several businesses in Loyal. RZ Builders was honored for 20 years in the community, Zvolena Masonry LLC was honored for 27 years of service in the community and Tieman Realty was honored for being a presence in Loyal for the past 37 years.
Dave Esselman stands among the many family members who came out to support and congratulate him on receiving the Citizen of the Year Award at the Loyal Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet. Their arrival came as a surprise for Esselman, who was unaware they were at the banquet until after he was chosen for the award.
Loyal Veterinary Services S.C was selected by the Loyal Chamber of Commerce as the Business of the Year. Members of the staff at the business are (front from left) Morgan Chaffin, Liz Rueth, Wendy Lindner, (back) Dr. Greg Jackson, Dr. Elroy Roedel, Dr. Bethany Loos, Dr. Darla Peyerk and Melissa Froeba. Dr. Sarah Fadden is not pictured.