Granton FFA provides mask for every child in school district

After the state mask mandate was issued, our FFA chapter knew that this could pose a problem for some of the families in our school district. To ensure the safety of the students in the Granton School District, our FFA chapter made it our mission to provide at least one mask for every student in the district.
Granton FFA hosted five mask-sewing nights to create homemade masks. With the help of many FFA Alumni members, our FFA members were able to learn how to sew, pin, measure, and cut fabric. We first started with ironing the fabric to make it straight so there were no wrinkles in it to offset the measurements. After we measured it we then cut out the fabric so we could pin the elastic and the two pieces of fabric together. Once it was all pinned, we sewed it all together and put pleats in them.
After we had the fabric and the pleats sewn together we went around the outside of the mask to make a border to make sure everything would stay in place. Then it got added to a pile of either big kid masks or little kid masks.
When it was all said and done, our chapter sewed over 160 masks and also tie-dyed 200 masks that were donated. An FFA member delivered masks around our school to each classroom, allowing students to take however many masks they wanted. This was one way to make sure that every student has access to a clean mask every day. From this activity, FFA members learned how to sew and also did a service for our school that was able to impact every student in our district.