Fifth-graders are resilient

Our fifth-graders are enjoying the school year despite the challenges we face during the pandemic. It is remarkable to see their positive attitudes. Watching our students grow and mature as the year unfolds is very rewarding. We are so proud of how they are showing great resilience and helping each other to maintain cheerful outlooks.
We are tackling our learning targets in our classes and working very hard. Math class has challenged us with place value concepts, multiplication and long division. Currently we are working with decimals and soon we hope to conquer the world of fractions. We encourage the kids to login to Happy Numbers online program to help strengthen math skills.
Reading class presents us with many strategies and skills to help us become engaged readers. We have been working on determining relevant information within a text and determining a main idea and supporting details. In language class, we have been growing as writers. We have been working hard on supporting our opinions in our writing with good reasons and examples. In science we are learning about astronomy. We also can’t forget about the time spent on the early explorers in Social Studies. The students determined why these adventurers went exploring!.
The fifth-graders are very excited about the D.A.R.E. Program which began recently. They look forward to their time with Officer Carlson. As you can see, we are quite busy and learning so much in the process.
We must share with you how very impressively the fifth-graders are adapting to learning during the times of COVID. Their eagerness to learn a new management system has been awesome. This will definitely help them in their transition to the world of sixth grade. We appreciate how so many of our fifth-grade parents have signed up to be observers in Canvas. Parents, teachers, and students all working together is a recipe for success!