My, How much these kindergarteners can learn
Looking at our students now, how amazing it is to see how their skills have developed and grown since the beginning of school. It is hard to believe we are halfway done with the school year. We had a cozy December singing in the music concert, learning about ninja and gingerbread men, and having pajama day watching the Polar Express.
During January, we have been completing several assessments and it is impressive how many of the scores are climbing. When it was Martin King Jr.’s birthday, we learned about some important African American people including Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, and Harriet Tubman. We enjoyed the frosty trees glistening in the daylight hours for over a week. However, with all the fog we missed the sightings of various planets coming close together and northern lights.
The kindergarten classes will be sliding right into February with some snow fun days. We hope that the temperature will be just right for having some outdoor fun and learning about gravity, resistance, and friction. We hope that Mr. Groundhog does not see his shadow and spring will be right around the corner. The 100th-day party will be exciting with fantastic projects done by the students and dressing up as if we are 100-year-olds. The kindergartners are hoping 100 days of school means a celebration soon for the end of mask wearing. We will be studying several presidents and their importance in history. During February, we will be working hard on our writing skills by addressing letters to our families. We will visit the post office and learn how our mail is gathered and delivered. In the coming months we will continue to read books for our Book It program.
We have been busy traveling to many countries with Jack and Annie in the Magic Tree House series. We visited castles, traveled on pirate ships, had tea in Japan, swung on vines in the Amazon, and explored the Ice Age. In between our adventures, we are reading and sounding out more words to write sentences and stories. We are learning about beginning, ending, and middle sounds. Our work with word families has moved us into making rhymes as well as making books and reading to each other. We work on our sight words using game, puzzles, and write the room activities. We are counting to higher numbers and learning about ten frames and measurement. We are doing Math Magic to learn about adding and subtracting.
Submitted by kindergarten teachers Ms. Tomke, Mrs. Bezlyk, and Mrs. Wolf