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Alderman Dave Roiger noted that ….

Alderman Dave Roiger noted that …. Alderman Dave Roiger noted that ….

Alderman Dave Roiger noted that if it was something simple like planting some trees and putting up a gazebo, that they would not need outside help, but if there was something with a bigger scope they would need outside help.

“I think we are still looking bigger picture,” Wellner said, noting he felt the city needed to do a better job in getting it out to the public what they intend to do there.

“I think we need to do a little better job of explaining to the community what we want to do,” Wellner said.

Alderman Mike Bub praised the idea to have the committee meet before committing to hire the engineering firm so that there was a local vision for what the space could be.

Knight supported hiring the engineer right away so that the individual could work with the committee in developing that vision. Alderman Chrsitine Weix agreed on the need for hiring outside help right away saying that she thought the intent was to look at the entire area from Hwy 64 south to Perkins Street and how that can be developed.

“We are not saying we don’t want to do that. All we are asking is to table until after the committee meets,” Wellner said.

The motion to table hiring Graef-USA passed 6-2 with Weix and Knight opposed.

A vote to form a committee to explore options for the space and the downtown area was approved on a unanimous vote. Members of the park project working committee will include Wellner, public works committee chair Laura Holmes, Harris, Friends of the Downtown president Jackie Jentzsch and downtown resident Brenda Hedlund.

In other business, aldermen:

_ Approved installing fine air diffusers for the aeration basin at the wastewater treatment plant at a cost of $56,000. The equipment will aid in the processing of the waste as air is forced into the wastewater.

_ Approved purchasing a replacement for the utility’s Jetter truck from MacQueen Equipment at a cost of $429,305. The City will receive $55,000 for trading in the current 2006 Jetter truck bringing the net cost to $374,305.

_ Approved purchasing a 3/4-ton truck and plow from Medford Motors for $34,991. The city had also received a quote for the vehicle from Medford Chrysler at $39,955 but went with the lower bid amount. The vehicle replaces an existing 2015 truck which will be sold at auction.

_ Approved an easement agreement between the city and Todd and Colleen Waldhart and Charles and Linda Gelhaus. The easement would allow a private driveway to be installed off of the intersection of Impala and Malibu Drives in the Rogers Addition to provide access to three residential lots. Dave Brandner abstained from the vote.

_ Approved a leave of absence request for medical reasons for a city police officer from December 19, 2020 and ending February 26, 2021.

_ Received an update that security improvements to the city hall lobby will take place in mid-February. The work was delayed to not interfere with people coming to city hall to pay their taxes during the month of January.