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Taylor County CDAC to meet via Zoom Jan. 21

Anyone interested in the management of whitetailed deer populations in Taylor County is reminded the county’s deer advisory council (CDAC) is scheduled to meet on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. to finalize its recommendation for a population objective for the 2021-23 three-year cycle.

Unlike the council’s last three meetings, which were conducted via telephone conferencing, this meeting will be accessible through a Zoom link. To access the link, go to and search the keyword “CDAC.” From there, click on the top County Deer Advisory Councils link, scroll down to item 3, Jan. 19-25 final objective setting and click on the link to find meetings. Then choose Taylor County from the drop-down options.

There is also a phone-in option. That number is 1-312-626-6799. The meeting code is 889-9128-8000.

In its preliminary discussions Dec. 16, the Taylor County council recommended a population increase objective over the options of maintain or decrease. The council will review the results of a public comment period that was conducted through an online survey Jan. 4-13 in making its final determination.

The council’s recommendation was made with an eye toward increasing the deer numbers on public land in the county while trying to maintain populations on most private lands.

Also up for discussion for this three-year cycle are deer management unit boundaries. Currently, Taylor County is considered one Northern Forest Zone unit and the council’s preliminary recommendation was to keep that format, rather than changing parts of the county to a Central Farmland Zone.

The final recommendations will be passed on to the Natural Resources Board, which will meet on Feb. 24.