One-vehicle accidents
Accident reports
Taylor County Law Enforcement
Abraham N. Ehlert, 31, Thorp, was involved in an accident on December 18 at 3:21 p.m. on Ness Road in the town of Taft. According to the accident report, the Ehlert vehicle was southbound on Ness Road when the vehicle lost traction on the loose gravel. The driver attempted to correct the movement of the vehicle and over-corrected. The vehicle swerved into the east ditch and rolled. Ehlert sustained suspected minor injuries and was transported to Our Lady of Victory Hospital in Stanley for medical treatment. There was damage to the entire vehicle and it was towed from the scene. Failure to control; swerved or avoided due to wind, slippery surface, motor vehicle, object or non-motorist in roadway; and over-correcting/over-steering by Ehlert were listed in the report as factors in the accident.
James O. Hanish, 39, Medford, was involved in an accident on December 20 at 8:03 a.m. on Hall Drive in the town of Browning. According to the accident report, the Hanish vehicle was northbound on Hall Drive when the driver lost control of the vehicle on the icy road surface. The vehicle skidded into the west ditch and rolled over. There was damage to the entire vehicle and it was towed from the scene.
Brian Wendt, 65, Merrill, was involved in an accident on December 22 at 10:31 a.m. in a parking lot at 550 North Eighth St. in the city of Medford. According to the accident report, the Wendt vehicle pulled into a parking space and the driver exited the vehicle without putting it into park. The vehicle rolled forward and struck the side of the building, damaging the building. There was no damage to the Wendt vehicle. Failure to control by Wendt was listed in the report as a factor in the accident.
Evan P. Lewandowski, 29, Medford, was involved in an accident on December 20 at 1:45 a.m. on Castle Road in the town of Medford. According to the accident report, the Lewandowski vehicle was southbound on Castle Road approaching the intersection with Cedar Street when it left the roadway at approximately 1:45 a.m. and entered the west ditch. The vehicle flipped rear over front and came to a stop upside down in the ditch. A passerby observed the vehicle at approximately 2:26 a.m. and law enforcement arrived at the scene at approximately 2:32 a.m. The vehicle was unoccupied and the driver was located at his mother’s residence where he admitted he had walked home from the accident. The report stated that the driver admitted having consumed alcohol prior to the accident. The report also stated a standardized field sobriety test (SFST) and preliminary breath test (PBT) were administered and that the driver was arrested for OWI-second offense. There was damage to the entire vehicle and it was towed from the scene. Lewandowski was issued citations for operating while under the influence-second offense and failure to keep vehicle under control.
Chad E.Bishop, 49, Medford, and a vehicle owned by Robert H. Frombach Jr., Medford, were involved in a hit-and-run accident on December 24 at 9:10 p.m. on South Main Street in the city of Medford. According to the accident report, the Bishop vehicle was southbound on South Main Street when it struck the legally-parked and unoccupied Frombach vehicle, pushing it up onto the sidewalk. The Bishop vehicle left the scene but was later identified. Bishop stated that his vehicle slid due to slippery road conditions, resulting in the accident. The Frombach vehicle sustained damage to the rear, right rear corner, left rear corner and left side rear. The Bishop vehicle sustained damage to the front, right front corner, right side front and right side middle. Road surface conditions, and speeding too fast for conditions and failure to control by Bishop were listed in the report as factors in the accident. Bishop was issued citations for hit-and-run to an unattended vehicle and operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
The following deer-related accidents were reported: Ricardo R. Tzinzun, 22, Waukesha, on December 15 at 7:20 p.m. on Hwy 13 in the town of Little Black.
Jamie M. Alexander, 44, Medford, on December 17 at 7:05 a.m. on CTH M in the town of Medford.
Cynthia R. Thums, 51, Rib Lake, on December 29 at 6:56 a.m. on Hwy 13 in the town of Medford.