Do you have what it takes to run for office?
Members of the Courier Sentinel editorial board include publisher Carol O’Leary, general manager Kris O’Leary and Star News editor Brian Wilson.
Wanted: Women and men who are willing to give up their time to help make choices impacting the long-term health of their communities. Job duties include being stopped in the grocery store by constituents, staying awake while attending dozens of meetings, and reading piles of memos, reports and other documents.
Responsibilities include dealing with immediate needs, guiding your community’s future, making decisions which foster economic growth and prosperity, while keeping costs contained. Compensation is a modest per diem for the meetings you attend, along with the knowledge that you gave something back to your community.
The nomination period is underway for those interested in serving on municipal and school boards. These local races fall under most people’s radar, having neither big budgets, nor the oversized personalities of national political contests.
There are no televised debates for school board, nor are there millions of dollars spent to secure a town board seat. There are just men and women who feel they have something to contribute to their communities. Some choose to throw their hat into the local political ring, because they feel they can do a better job than the current office holder.
Perhaps they disagreed with decisions made or feel new ideas are needed. Others simply have a desire to serve and to give back to their community.
Good government at all levels, relies on elected officials making educated decisions for the benefit of the entire community, rather than their own self interest. Area residents need elected officials who are willing to be vocal in their ideas, but, at the same time, are able to work for the common good through compromise and cooperation.
Those interested in running for office in the April 6, 2021, election, have until Jan. 5, to return their completed nomination papers in order to appear on the ballot.
Serving in public office can be a challenging, yet rewarding job.
Are you up to the challenge?