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Cadott Village Board - Spring bans are now in place for rural roadway

Spring bans are now in place for rural roadway Spring bans are now in place for rural roadway

Lynn McIntyre, Cedar Corp., explained what is happening with a couple projects ongoing in the Village of Cadott, at a meeting March 3. McIntyre feels things are moving along smoothly, with no complications. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

Seasonal road bans were approved March 3, at the Cadott Village Board meeting, for North Road/80th Avenue, during the spring period. The reason to do so, is to secure Agricultural Roads Improvement Program (ARIP) funding, when the village applies for it.

Residents and travelers on that roadway should be aware of the limits in place.

“There doesn’t need to be an ordinance done for that,” said Lynn McIntyre, Cedar Corp.

Also approved, was repairing a Hartford Street and State Hwy. 27 manhole.

“They’re having problems where they put that new sewer line in,” said village president Randy Khueni.

Choosing between two estimates (Haas, for $4,910) and (Pember, for $4,920, plus an extra $1,400 for a back truck), the village selected Haas, who were recommended by director of public works Jeremy Kenealy, as they have their own truck.

Members also approved Ordinance 2025-1, regarding the amended Comprehensive Plan 2010-30, based on a recommendation from the Planning and Development Committee.

Also agreed upon, was the AEP 21st amendment, since the village is .1 percent short of capacity.

“Is it required?” asked trustee Nicole Whipp Sime.

The answer is yes, the village needs to be at capacity, but Sime wondered what would happen if Cadott does not take the offer. In that case, they would buy the capacity on on the open market at whatever price they could get.

McIntyre also reported that the design of the public library is coming along and that the Library Board is working through the process of grant administration.

“Everything’s working so far,” she said.

Also reported, was that Ntera wants to put a small building by the dumpster, east of the fire station, but fire chief Rick Sommerfeld still needs to meet with the company and see what the fire board members think of the idea.

“Then, they would get free phone and internet for life, for having it on there,” said trustee Todd Seeley.