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Lake Holcombe Town Board - It’s better to have a plan before you need one

It’s better to have a plan before you need one It’s better to have a plan before you need one

Jim Matacyznski, Lake Holcombe Town Board treasurer, shared that they took in over $1,000, during the recent recycle round-up, which gives residents a chance to dispose of things laying around. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

Who do you contact in the event of a devastating tornado or sweeping fire? Is there just one person to call or multiple? That’s what an emergency management plan for the Town of Lake Holcombe will determine, as well as where people might meet/find shelter, what areas were the most vulnerable or highly populated, etc.

“So, if something ever does happen, at least we have that to go by,” said town chairman Brian Guthman Sept. 12.

Guthman is still working on the plan, but needs some maps from the county to complete it and he wants to make sure it’s thorough.

“It’s only as good as what you put in,” said Guthman. He also shared that the Wayside Park is cleaned up for the season, although the bathrooms remain open for the time being.

“We haven’t had very much vandalism out there this year,” he said.

The picnic area pavilion was also rented out quite a bit, which everyone was happy to hear.

“That finally is getting used,” said Guthman. It was also mentioned that the Native American display by the town hall needs to be re-stained, with money taken from the fund designated toward that.

While 295th Avenue is being paved, residents’ mailboxes need to be moved back into place, but the town will make sure they are up to code and in the right position in the right-of-way.

Guthman also reported that the public nuisance on 259th Avenue, has not been taken care of, as the county sheriff’s department is very short-staffed, so they have not been able to work on the case. Guthman has gotten the department of public health involved, so something may come of that.

“The DNR is still working on different things,” he said.