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Utility reconnections are available for extreme heat

With recent heat advisories and excessive heat warnings for much of Wisconsin, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC), is reminding customers of utility disconnection laws and providing tips to help customers stay safe.

Wisconsin law prevents a utility from disconnecting electrical service from occupied dwelling units when a heat advisory, heat warning or heat emergency issued by the National Weather Service, is in effect.

Additionally, a utility is required to make reasonable attempts to reconnect service to an occupied dwelling that has been disconnected for non-payment, when an occupant states that there is a potential threat to health or life, that results from the combination of the heat and loss of service.

The utility may require that an occupant produce a licensed physician’s statement or notice from a public health, social service or law enforcement official, which identifies the medical emergency for the occupant. Utilities are encouraged to err on the side of human health and safety, when making these reconnection decisions.

Upon expiration of the heat advisory, heat warning or heat emergency, the utility may disconnect service to a property that was reconnected during this period, without further notice, if an appropriate payment arrangement has not been established.

Customers can take simple steps that help keep temperatures low and save energy:

• Keep blinds and curtains closed.

• Unplug electronics like computers, televisions and radios, when not in use.

• Make sure air conditioner is clean and maintained, by checking air filters, air intakes, radiators, etc.

• Wash clothes or dishes early in the morning, or late at night.

• Turn off lights when leaving a room. Consumers who have questions about disconnections during periods of extreme temperatures, should contact the PSC Consumer Affairs Bureau, at 800-225-7729.