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Cadott Village Board - Election site works well, needs a few tweaks

Election site works well, needs a few tweaks Election site works well, needs a few tweaks

Randy Kuheni, Cadott Village Board president, paged through documents at a meeting Aug. 19, as they conducted business. One thing decided during the meeting, was to replace a well radiator and make some repairs at the wastewater treatment plant. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

Now that the primary election is complete and the new voting location at the Cadott Village shop has been tried out, it was decided the spot is almost ideal – or will be, with a few changes. One thing that people requested, was for more light in the space, but village trustee Louie Eslinger had another request, to add a railing along the building to hold onto, for the mobility challenged.

Public works director Jeremy Kenealy felt it would be too hard to plow snow, if they stationed it alongside the building, but had another solution, which might work even better.

“We could fasten it right on the building,” said Kenealy. Eslinger also passed his compliments onto the public works department and clerk’s office, for their hard work in prepping for the election.

“I don’t think people realize how much work that really was, to pull that off in a short period of time,” he said.

Also during the meeting, the board approved text amendments to the village zoning code, with changes to Sections 13-1-23, maintaining the 25-foot front yard setback and establishing an 8-foot street yard setback, in the R-2 Single-Family Residential District (Medium Density), and updated Section 13-1-200, to add definition for street side lot line and street yard, and amend definition of corner lot, front lot line and street yard.

They also approved Resolution 2024-7, a Public Participation Plan for Comprehensive Plan amendment, which is needed for the proposed development project. There are many steps in the process and the resolution was the first step.

Members also agreed to installing a new radiator at well 5, for $6,050.22, at the waste treatment station, and a new heater hose, for $509.47, and lines, for $498.22, at the waste lift station.

“The smaller ones are just maintenance,” said president Randy Kuehni.

They also agreed to move the next regular meeting from Sept. 2, to Sept. 3, because of the Labor Day holiday.