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Cornell City Council - No news yet on hiring of Cornell Police Chief

By Ginna Young

It’s been almost a year, since the Cornell Police Department has been without a chief and the tune was the same at the latest Cornell City Council meeting Aug. 15. Despite numerous meetings and interviews, the position still sits vacant.

“No update yet,” said city administrator Dave DeJongh.

Mayor Mark Larson did fill one open seat, however, appointing council member Deb Semanko to the Fire Board.

Also approved, was Resolution 24-10, which is completed annually, to apply for exemption from the county library levy.

Though not an action item, resident Dan Osborn, 921 South Eighth Street, was present to express concern over the length of time it’s taken for his electrical service to be upgraded. Larson agreed to meet with him and city works superintendent Derek Braun, to see what can be done to resolve the matter.