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Lake Holcombe School Board - It’s important for every child to feel they belong

It’s important for every child to feel they belong It’s important for every child to feel they belong

Nicole Crosby, Lake Holcombe School guidance counselor, reported on in-house survey results Aug. 19, to the board of education. Using the results, Crosby can determine what needs the students have and how her programming can meet those needs. Photo by Joy Dain

By Ginna Young

As school is poised to begin once more, Lake Holcombe is intent on making sure the culture of the district is a welcoming one, providing its population with what they need to not only succeed in life, but to thrive. None is more dedicated to that, than guidance counselor Nicole Crosby, who painstakingly pores over data during the summer, to see what could be improved upon.

Crosby shared her findings with the board of education Aug. 19, including what plans she has for the coming school year.

“The mission and vision of my programming hasn’t really changed,” said Crosby.

That programming aligns with the district’s Plan to Win, where she focuses on traits with the students, such as character, adversity, etc. At the end of the school year, Crosby sent out surveys to staff and students, asking if they thought her program is making a difference. She then reviews the results, to ensure she’s reaching the set perimeters.

“I really take those results to heart,” she said.

Crosby also wants to make sure the students feel as though they belong and have an adult to talk to.

“It’s really important to me that the kids belong here – all of them,” said Crosby.

During the meeting, district administrator Kurt Lindau reported that they are getting the roof project wrapped up.

“The building’s looking good,” he said. However, it was discovered that there is an I-beam that was not known about. After consulting with head of maintenance Tom Hayden, it was decided that beam was put in, in the event they wanted to add another story. Given the roof was already “cracked open,” that provided an opportunity to fix the issue.

They also found that the roof drains were shot, so those were replaced and upgraded.

Lindau also reported that the school’s resource officer, Deputy Jim Jarecki, is no longer in law enforcement, so Lindau has been in contact with the sheriff’s department, to see if any officer has interest in the position, so that program can continue.

“That was a surprise,” said Lindau. As part of the business portion of the meeting, members approved the hire of kitchen assistant Anna Reedy. It was also decided to move the monthly meeting back to 6 p.m., now that summer is ending.