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Cadott Village Board - iPads purchased to make life easier for employees

iPads purchased to make life easier for employees iPads purchased to make life easier for employees

Cookie Kaste showed Cadott Village Board members June 3, where the parcels are that she wished re-zoned, in order to complete a sale of property. With no one present to offer any objections on the matter, trustees approved the request. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

In order to make it a lot more streamlined for village employees, Cadott’s board agreed on the purchase of iPads June 3, to be used for the SCADA system, when the workers visit houses on a call. Before, they had to enter the information, then re-enter it all into the system at the shop.

“This way, they can have all the information, on-site, when they respond,” said village trustee Louie Eslinger. “We looked at it, it makes sense.”

They also agreed to update the electrical boxes in the village office.

“We get a lot of flickering lights here once in a while,” said public works director Jeremy Kenealy.

He had electricians look at the panels behind his desk, where he can hear buzzing. Obviously, the electrician determined that is not safe. “Those definitely need to be upgraded,” said Kenealy.

Members also approved a zone change request for David and Denise Stangl, Mark and Jane Remmers, and Cookie Kaste, who sold parcels to the Stangls and Remmers. A piece of her own property was also zoned agricultural, but it has to be residential, since it is attached to a residentially-zoned parcel.

“I’m just following what I was told to do,” said Kaste. The board also approved the purchase of mastering metering for water, and of auto read leak detection and water meters to restrict flow.

However, they did decide not to pursue using VC3 as IT support services, as they are looking at other options. It was also determined not to add a culvert on 250th Street and 80th Avenue.

“It’d contaminate Well 6,” said village president Randy Kuehni.