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Lake Holcombe School Board - Lorenzen brings home third straight bus race trophy

Lorenzen brings home third straight bus race trophy Lorenzen brings home third straight bus race trophy

Ellie Lorenzen proudly displays the trophy her dad/tech ed teacher Andy Lorenzen won May 11, at Cedar Lake Speedway, as part of the annual bus races. This is now the third year, that Lake Holcombe School has brought home first place in some event at the competition. Submitted Photo

By Ginna Young

If you’ve never experienced it, it’s hard to describe, but that’s what educator Jeff Milas did at Lake Holcombe’s School Board meeting May 13, in reference to the annual bus races at Cedar Lake Speedway. Fellow educator and friend Andy Lorenzen took part in the races May 11, and won the fastest bus competition, making it the third year Lake Holcombe has claimed a first-place trophy.

The school was one of the districts who received a decommissioned bus from the speedway, along with $500 to modify the bus for competition, which includes tech ed students removing the seats and “souping up” the engine.

“It’s a fun project,” said district administrator Kurt Lindau.

Once the newly painted purple bus was ready to roll, Lorenzen hopped into the driver’s seat and won the fastest race, before he competed in the demolition derby, which made Milas realize he’s not stepping foot on the bus and is content to serve on the pit crew.

“That was quite the experience, we watched three different buses get rolled over,” said Milas.

In the business portion of the meeting, the board approved a timber harvest contract with Andy LeMay Forestry, with the school’s estimated cut at $15,785. The proceeds may be used for developing an outdoor classroom in the school forest.

Members also approved the resignation of middle school teacher/head girls basketball coach Chris Clark; speech language pathologist Danielle Clark; school nurse Pam Guthman; technology coordinator Dale Mahalko; kitchen assistant Kathleen Macklin; and boys head basketball coach Joy Webster.

If we weren’t moving toward family for help with childcare, it would have been a long-term home for us, wrote C. Clark.

The staff and students here have made it very hard to say goodbye, wrote D. Clark.

I would like to thank the school district for their support over the last 20 plus years, and I wish for its continued success, wrote Malhako, who is leaving for a director of technology position with the Bloomer School District.

I feel I am ready to take on a new role of being a grandparent and feel it is time to step down from a coaching role at Lake Holcombe School, wrote Webster, who spent 35 years as a coach.

They also approved the hire of school nurse Liberty Belter; and director of technology Benjamin Miles.

Members also accepted $50, from Eastbay Lodge, to the band program; $50, from Eastbay Lodge, to the football program; $60, from the Holcombe Area Veterans Memorial, to the Angel Fund; $643.76, from the Lake Holcombe Education Foundation (LHEF), for spring grant takehome books; $566.33, from the LHEF, for spring grant wood duck houses; $7,370.37, from PRIDE, for a HUDL package; $1,000, from PRIDE, for the archery program; $500, from Cedar Lake Speedway, for the annual school bus race; $500, from the Lake Holcombe Booster Club’s Haunted Trail, for the archery program; $3,800, from various donors, for the archery program; and $425, from various donors, to prom.

In addition, they agreed to set a 5:30 p.m. time, for the summer board meetings.