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Cornell School Board - Numbers are continuing to grow in after-school

Numbers are continuing to grow in after-school Numbers are continuing to grow in after-school

Cornell superintendent Paul Schley (left) helped senior Karl Wescott demonstrate to the board of education Nov. 27, what projects the after-school students are working on. One such panel, is making models of the solar system. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

There was only good news to report Nov. 27, at the regular Cornell School Board meeting, including how the after-school program is progressing. Currently, there are 115 kids enrolled, with an average daily attendance of 84.

“Which is phenomenal, compared to what we were at,” said Kat Wescott, after-school director.

Cornell is in the last stages of their grant cycle to fund the program, so Wescott is working to get numbers together to reapply. The more kids they have, the more money the program is eligible for and the more Wescott can hire to run the program.

At-risk coordinator Kari Koenig also reported that the district received three Northwestern Mini-Grants, in varying amounts: paint for the sensory path that was installed on the elementary playground; cut-resistant gloves for the tech ed department; and a ping-pong table for the physical education classes.

Also reported, was the proceeds from the volleyball program’s annual Dig Pink Night, which netted $1,300 for the Cancer Center in Eau Claire, keeping the funds local.

“That’s quite a bit of money for a one-night event,” said middle/high school principal Craig Braaten.

During the meeting, members approved head track coach Sean Schmidt; and assistant high school volleyball coach Kaitlyn Kozial.