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Cadott School Board; Community input sought for referendum planning

Cadott School Board; Community input sought for referendum planning Cadott School Board; Community input sought for referendum planning

By Julia Wolf

The Cadott School Board heard an update on the referendum planning process, at a special meeting Aug. 28.

Josh Spaeth, district administrator, says he met with Wendel and CESA 10, to go over some pre-planning for the referendum.

If the April 2024 referendum were to pass, it would supersede the referendum passed by voters in April 2023.

“The district is incredibly grateful for the support of the 2023 referendum,” said Spaeth. “However, when the dust settled, we realized the project scope wasn’t the best solution to address our current needs, and prepare for future growth.”

The school board approved agreements with Wendel and CESA 10, during the regular August meeting, to get the referendum planning process started.

Spaeth says they also looked at the survey from the last referendum planning process.

“Less than 12 percent of the people that we sent it to even took the survey,” said Spaeth.

He says another survey may be needed and he would like to, see a 30-40 percent response rate.

Spaeth says they would like to have a Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) in place by Tuesday, Sept. 12, to help find cost-effective solutions for the district’s long-term needs. The committee will meet in the fall, to develop recommendations for the school board’s November meeting.

The meeting update aligned with the district’s call for community input, with a press release to begin the formation of the FAC. Those interested in serving on the committee should contact administrative assistant Karita Harvey, by calling 715-289-3795, extension 18000, or emailing No specific skills or background are required, in order to serve on the FAC.

Spaeth says they would like the committee to consist of 10-15 people.

He says they are also creating an option so teachers can set up a time to come in during their prep period, to discuss the referendum and share their input.

“I kind of talked to the staff about the next steps and there’s a lot of excitement around it,” said Spaeth.

Spaeth says some staff members will be on the FAC, especially those the potential changes would impact the most, as well as some school board members.

Board president Cory LaNou also reminded everyone that the committee meetings are open to the public, even if those people are not on the committee.

“We would encourage as many people as want to, to attend,” said LaNou.

Board members also used the time to ask questions about possible updates that would be included in the referendum, such as a daycare and tech ed space options.

During the meeting, board members also voted to approve universal free breakfast program.

Spaeth says he did look into a free lunch program, at the board’s request, but found it would be a pretty big expense for the district and that the district wouldn’t qualify, because they do not have enough students that qualify for free or reduced rates.

Spaeth says there is a lot of research that shows breakfast helps kids get off to a good start.

“Hopefully, we can improve achievement,” said Spaeth.