Cadott School Board; Proposed policy updates bring up hiring practices

Cadott School Board members looked over a policy on Employment of Professional Staff, during a meeting May 22. Up for consideration, is whether they should strike the line saying the board will not employ, but may continue to employ, the spouse or child of any board member, or administrator. Incoming superintendent Josh Spaeth said he doesn’t think they should limit the options of who they can hire. The policy will be an action item at an upcoming meeting. Screenshot Photo
By Julia Wolf
Policy changes were up for viewing, during a Cadott School Board Committee of the Whole meeting May 22. Action on the policies will be slated for a future meeting.
Superintendent Jenny Starck started with the policy on Employment of Professional Staff.
The recommended action for the board to consider, is to strike the line that says the board will not employ (but may continue to employ) the spouse or child of any board member, or administrator.
“We kind of added “or administrator,” that wasn’t part of the Neola template,” said Starck.
Neola provides policy recommendations for the district.
Starck says one thing that is very common, which is addressed earlier in the policy, is that relatives of staff members may be employed, but arrangements should be made so family members are not directly supervising each other.
Incoming superintendent Josh Spaeth says other districts he talked to do not have any policies like that in their policy book, not even the portion of the policy specifying that they need to be supervised by someone who is not a relative.
“They do that in good faith, if someone is a family member, someone else would supervise that person,” said Spaeth.
Spaeth says he doesn’t think they want to limit themselves, especially when it is difficult to find employees.
Starck says they went back and forth on whether only the “or administrator” portion should be recommended to be stricken, or if the entire line should be.
“But, there are many that don’t have that line at all,” said Starck.
Starck says, in the past, they did have a daughter of a board member interested in an open position and under the current policy, they wouldn’t have even been able to consider her.
“Where this, now we could,” said Starck. “You know, and whether they are the best candidate or not, at least they could get considered.”
A proposed policy change on attendance also garnered some questions. Starck says the proposed changes more specifically define phrases like truancy, habitual truant and part of the school day, when related to tardiness.
“It just helps us when we’re informing parents,” said Starck.
Board president Cory LaNou asked about the portion of the policy that requires notice of absences to be in writing.
“But most absent notices now happen in Skyward,” said LaNou, asking if that is considered as being in writing.
Starck says they considered that in writing, as have most other schools, but says calling in absences technically doesn’t leave the trail they need.
Starck says she can follow up for clarification on what is needed for absence notifications.
“I just want to make sure whatever we’re doing, matches what our policy is,” said LaNou.
A wellness policy update would restrict the district from marketing any foods or beverages that do not align with the smart snacks rule. Starck says the district almost never markets any foods, anyway.
Board member Rod Tegels asked if that policy would come into play, if Coca-Cola were to donate a scoreboard, if that would be considered marketing.
“That’s a good point,” said Starck. Starck said she would find a more definitive answer and get back to the board on it.
Other policy changes brought forward, were to increase clarity or to align with changes to laws.