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Lawn waste to internet connectivity discussed by town

Lawn waste to internet connectivity discussed by town Lawn waste to internet connectivity discussed by town

Lake Holcombe Town Annual Meeting

It was a few months delayed, on account of COVID-19 restrictions, but the Lake Holcombe Town annual meeting finally took place July 23. Many things were discussed at the meeting of the electors, including the future of the lawn waste disposal site.

“Please use that terminology when you talk about it,” said Guthman, mentioning a lot of people call the site the town dump. “We haven’t had a dump for 20 years. It is a lawn waste disposal site and we are continuing to work on that.”

The town got signatures from everyone within a quarter mile radius of the site, stating it was fine with the homeowners to have the disposal near them. Guthman says they hope to have the same site open to the public for lawn waste, by moving things around to comply with DNR requirements, as well as cutting some trees and planting grass.

“So, hopefully, we can get that all taken care of before leaves this fall,” said Guthman.

He said even after the site is open, it will be open only certain hours and manned by someone. Keys that were sold to the site will no longer work.

“It’s not, you’re going to get a key back and be able to go in,” said Guthman. “That’s just the way it has to be run.”

During the meeting, resident Jackie McDaniel brought up a matter that has been discussed in the past.

“There is some talk again with residents about having a comprehensive plan…that’s one thing I’d like the board to look at,” said McDaniel.

She said some grant money is available for the project and asked the board to conduct a survey of property owners, to see if they wish to pursue the matter. Guthman agreed a survey is something the board could do, but said with comprehensive planning, comes zoning.

Many residents run businesses out of their homes and Guthman says if they get zoned residential, they’re not going to be able to run their businesses out of their home.

“There are really gives and takes to all of it,” said Guthman.

McDaniel also questioned if the town was going to address dead trees and limbs along West Lake Shore Drive.

“One of these times, they’re going to fall on someone’s car,” she said.

“We work about every day on clearing the road right-ofways,” said Guthman.

This year, the town’s main objective is to cut and clear trees where they plan to pave, and so far, have cut around 50, with 150, or so, to go.

“We have a lot of trees in the road right-of-ways that need to be taken care of,” agreed Guthman. “We can do as many as we can.”

Guthman also reported that the town is looking at cameras that could be installed at the Wayside Park for security and for safety on the handicapped dock, as well as internet for those on the lake who might need to make a call or look up weather alerts. Guthman is seeing what it would cost to set up an internet hotspot at the park.

“A lot of times, people are telling me their cell phones don’t work very good out on (Lake) Holcombe,” said Guthman.

Supervisor Doug Olson also asked for an update on a proposed natural gas line that is supposed to come through. Guthman said the town did receive a building permit for property behind Gilberston Transit, as Phase 1 for a $750,000 greenhouse, which would likely need the gas line.

“Rumor has it – and it’s still just rumor – that they’re going to bring a gas line up from Cornell, up to that area out there,” said Guthman. “I don’t know it to be a fact, it’s just what I’ve heard. Some of that stuff doesn’t always come to fruition, but it’s what I’ve heard.”

Those present also agreed to donate $2,000 to the Holcombe Cemetery fund. There is an organization that takes care of the cemetery on State Hwy. 27, but the town does contribute money each year, for upkeep to the site.

If the organization did not assume responsibility of care for the cemetery, the responsibility would fall on the town’s shoulders.

In the past, the town has also donated $500 to the Lake Holcombe Resort and Business Association for the annual July 4 fireworks. Olson says he assumes the town will have the annual meeting prior to the July 4 celebration next year, and that the donation can take place then, as this year’s celebration has already passed.

“I really think that somebody should be present from the resort association to make that request,” said supervisor David Staudacher, to which those present agreed.

Getting down to numbers, the 2019 annual report showed that the town’s revenues were $1,913,896.99.

“Most of that comes from general transportation aid,” said Guthman.

On the expense side of things, the town spent $1,988,773.62 – $75,063.64 of which was paid for ambulance services and fire protection. The amount paid to the Cornell Area Ambulance Service, is based, per the census, on how many residents the town has, while payment to the Cornell Area Fire Department, is based on assessed evaluation.

“We have a high assessed evaluation here, so that’s why we pay more for fire protection,” said Guthman.

In case anyone wasn’t aware, the town does have a new website at Included in the content, is the centennial book, photos, services offered in the town and construction updates.

“There’s lots of nice information on there,” said Guthman.

Guthman also sent out a plea to residents, as there are a lot of town ordinances that need updating.

“We’d like to put together a committee of residents and one board member, to work on these ordinances,” said Guthman.

If anyone is interested in volunteering, Guthman says the board would appreciate it, and that people can get in touch with any board member or the town clerk.

(Cutline) The Lake Holcombe Town Board social distanced themselves for the annual town meeting July 23, discussing matters that would normally have been addressed in April. Although the meeting was a few months late, members and the public jumped in to get business taken care of. Photo by Ginna Young