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Farmers market vouchers have arrived for seniors

The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Chippewa County, has been notified that the Senior Farmers Market Voucher Program will be available again this summer. Eligible persons can receive $25 in farmer’s market vouchers (only one packet per qualifying household, per year).

The vouchers can be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets, or road-side produce stands.

To be eligible, senior citizens must meet the following requirements: • Be a Chippewa County resident

• Be age 60 or better (or Native American, age 55 or better) • Have a gross household income less than (remember to add back in Medicare B and D premiums to figure gross income) one-person household income of $1,968/month; twoperson household income of $2,658/month. For each additional household member, add $691/month.

Because of COVID-19, the way the vouchers are distributed has changed from years past. If eligible to apply for these vouchers, people can get them in one of two ways.

Vouchers will be available by mail or eligible persons can also receive vouchers at the ADRC booth at the Chippewa Falls Farmer’s Market, Thursdays, from noon to 2 p.m., beginning June 18.

Keep in mind, there are a limited number of voucher packets, so they are available on a first-come, first-serve basis only. Vouchers will not be issued to proxy agents, as vouchers can be mailed directly to the recipient.

Standards for eligibility and participation in the program are the same for everyone, regardless of race, color, nation origin, age, disability or sex.

For any questions about the Senior Farmers Market Voucher Program or to request an application for vouchers, contact the ADRC at 715-726-7777, or email