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Work to begin on Black River shoreline

Retaining wall to be taken out, rock placed along bank
Work to begin on Black River shoreline Work to begin on Black River shoreline

Work on overhauling the east shore of the Black River through downtown Medford will soon begin.

During the committee of the whole portion of Monday’s Medford City Council meeting, council members heard from city coordinator Joe Harris that contractors with Pember will begin sheet piling behind Ackert Appliance shortly and will be coming back in May to work on the remainder of the project.

The plan is to replace the existing retaining wall, which is failing in a number of spots, with a sloped rip-rap and rock bank. This will match other portions along the Millpond and river.

Harris updated council members on the project as well as noting the public works crew will be working to add space to the library utilizing funding the library was able to receive and the electric utility crews will be working to remove power lines running over where the new VFW hall will be built in order to clear the way for construction to begin later this spring.

In addition to the report from Harris, council members approved the annual bids for material and equipment.

Low bids awarded were: County Ready Mix Concrete 7 - bag mix (4000 PSI or greater) $138 per cubic yard; American Asphalt Bituminous Surface Coarse 4MT $94.15 per ton; American Asphalt Bituminous Binder Coarse 3MT $97 per ton; Jensen & Son Asphalt Blacktop Patching (4” Prepared by City) $149 per ton; Jensen & Son Asphalt Blacktop Patching (4” Prepared by Contractor) $185 per ton;

See MEDFORD on page 4 American Asphalt Blacktop Patching (4” Prepared by City) $159.25 per ton; American Asphalt Blacktop Patching (4” Prepared by Contractor) $199.45 per ton; Mark Christensen Screened Topsoil $15.91 per cubic yard; A-1 Excavating Crushing Recycle Pile $5.43 per ton; Francis Melvin 3/4' Washed Rock $25 per yard; Francis Melvin 3/4' Crushed Gravel $16.25 per yard.

Council member Mike Bub questioned the difference in price between city and contractor prepared patching. Harris explained that the cost is greatly reduced if the city crew does the work of removing gravel to prep the area to be patched versus having the asphalt contractor do the prep work.

In keeping with past practice, the city accepted all the backhoe, and truck and driver bids. This allows the city to have the flexibility to call whoever is available when the work is needed.

The recommendations will go to the March 24 council meeting for final approval.

Council members also recommended awarding the street striping bid to Jensen Chip and Seal Coating with a cost of $13,090. The other bidder on the project was Fahrner Asphalt with a bid of $23,065.