Slight change of property is in order for veterans site

Thanks to electric now run at the Holcombe Area Veterans Memorial, the flags proudly wave, day and night, with the American flag lighted, per etiquette. Periodically, the flags are repaired or replaced, as needed. Photo by Ginna Young
By Ginna Young
Work continues over the winter, at the Holcombe Area Veterans Memorial, but mainly in paperwork, this time, with a much-needed property change. The matter was decided Feb. 5, at a Memorial Planning Committee meeting.
“I don’t think it’s an easement change, but I don’t know what else to call it,” said committee chairman Jim Mataczynski.
David Staudacher, who donated the parcel where the memorial sits, has 30 feet belonging to him on either side of the memorial lot, which he kept to access the back lot owned by him. However, he wants to switch the 30 feet from one side over to the other, so it doesn’t impede the work going on at the east side of the memorial.
It was agreed to seek approval on the proposed change from the town board, who governs the memorial.
“It should be interesting,” said Mataczynski. Another part of the project – a large part – is the memorial stones that many have purchased, to honor their loved ones. In fact, another order of stones is ready to be submitted for engraving.
That’s impressive, but Mataczynski is worried that misleading wording on the stone purchasing form is keeping people from buying them.
“Too many people are under the impression the stones are for veterans only,” said Mataczynski.
Therefore, the committee will reword the form. They’re also hoping to begin laying stones on Memorial Day, then another batch July 4, and finally, Labor Day.
“That’s our hope,” said Mataczynski.
Mataczynski also reported that there is about $17,000, belonging to the memorial, in the Community Foundation of Chippewa County fund.
He also spoke on the gun that the memorial purchased from Ace Hardware in Ladysmith, which will be raffled off, at the St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser, March 15.
During the meeting, those present also held elections for the committee, with Mataczynski nominated and appointed as chairman, David Staudacher, as vice chairman, and Rhonda Mataczynski, as secretary.
And, finally, the committee discussed having military representation, at the spring high school graduations, at Lake Holcombe and Cornell. It was agreed to request that recruiters be present, if possible, and if not, a group of veterans will appear at the ceremonies, as there are several students graduating, who are in the service.
“They need to be recognized, just as anybody else,” said Mataczynski.