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Despite rainy weather, city pool numbers high

City pool usage climbed in August compared to recent years giving solid season
Despite rainy weather, city pool numbers high
Members of the Medford Kiwanis Club presented city coordinator Joe Harris with a Kiwanis Community All Star Award for his assistance in making the Summer Concert Series a success. The concert series wraps up its season tonight (Sept. 5) with Sean Porten performing in the Tombstone Bandshell in the Medford City Park. The free concert series is organized by the Kiwanis Club and over the course of the summer brought 17 different musical groups and performers to the stage. ALEX WILSON/THE STAR NEWS
Despite rainy weather, city pool numbers high
Members of the Medford Kiwanis Club presented city coordinator Joe Harris with a Kiwanis Community All Star Award for his assistance in making the Summer Concert Series a success. The concert series wraps up its season tonight (Sept. 5) with Sean Porten performing in the Tombstone Bandshell in the Medford City Park. The free concert series is organized by the Kiwanis Club and over the course of the summer brought 17 different musical groups and performers to the stage. ALEX WILSON/THE STAR NEWS

A total of 2,769 people used the Medford City Pool in August leading the city pool to one of its best usage years since being rebuilt with a total of 12,165 patrons using the pool over the course of the summer.

Members of the Medford city Council received the pool report Tuesday night during their regular meeting.

“It looks like we had a pretty good year,” said council member Dave Brandner.

City Coordinator Joe Harris agreed noting that the numbers were good despite the amount of rain the city received over the summer. He noted that there were several days they had to close early due to rain.

The pool season had started slow with cold and wet weather in June keeping attendance below the average in the past five years. A total of 4,015 patrons used the pool in June compared to 4,400 June users last year and 4,947 users in 2021.

See CITY on page 3 In July there were 5,381 patrons this year which was only exceeded in recent years in 2021 which had 5,445. The August totals were the best seen by the city since 2000 which had 2,316 total patrons.

While usage is up, so was pool revenue. The city collected $26,976.56 in pool user fees this summer, which is up about $2,600 from last year’s total of $24,352.81. The pool fees help cover a portion of the cost of operating the city pool each year.

“It looks like we had a respectable year,” said council member Mike Bub.

Police lease

The city of Medford Police Department will remain in the courthouse for the foreseeable future.

Members of the Medford City Council on Tuesday approved a three-year lease agreement with Taylor County for office and garage space in the courthouse. This continues a longtime arrangement with the Medford police sharing secure office space at the courthouse with the county sheriff’s department.

Under terms of the lease, the city will pay the county $17,967.96 in 2025 ($1,497.33 per month). In 2025, the rent will increase to $18,20256 ($1,516.88 per month) and in 2027 will be $18,437.16 ($1,536.43 per month).

In other business, council members,

• Approved a 3-year agreement with Hydro Corp for industrial cross connection inspections at a cost of $29,041. Harris explained that the city is required to do the cross connection inspections, but does not have anyone on staff with the certifications to do the commercial inspections.

• Approved applying for the annual federal grant that helps support the shared-ride taxi program in the city.

• Received an update on the Hwy 13 project. The contractors’ goal is to finish painting this week and by next Tuesday switch to using the permanent lights at the Hwy 13/64 intersection which will allow the temporary lights to be removed. “That is their plan,” Harris said.

• Received word from Mayor Mike Wellner that there will be no committee of the whole meeting on September 9 or council meeting on September 17.