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Parents talk traits of next superintendent

The process for replacing 13-year Colby Superintendent Dr. Steve Kolden kicked off with the first focus group meeting which was held on December 7. The meeting included parents of kids in the district as well as Hazard Young Attea Associates (HYA) affiliate Scott Winch. The meeting was intended for parents to share what they felt was positive about the district, negative about the district as well as what the parents would like to see in the new superintendent.

Winch mentioned he was the longtime Stratford School District Superintendent and currently serves as the Owen-Withee interim Superintendent. He said his experience in the field will help him find quality candidates that fit the school’s profile.

Eight parents showed up to the discussion and mentioned the school does well with its sense of community, activities, sports programs and staff that are dedicated to the school and community.

The parents said the school’s challenges are a lack of communication from administration, low staff morale, language barriers, lower than average staff pay, a lack of a good special education program and a culture that promotes sports over other clubs.

The parents felt the new superintendent needed to be a strong leader, to support staff in their decisions, to have strong communication and listening skills with parents, someone who is willing to visit with the kids and be present, a small-town oriented person, and a supportive person who is willing to give staff praise.

Winch also met with a group of current staff and was scheduled to have a meeting with the Abby-Colby Chamber of Commerce. Winch said he had a good conversation with staff about what they expect but the chamber meeting was left unattended by chamber members.

He also said his role will not be to choose the next superintendent for the school, but rather to recommend qualified candidates after interviewing and screening them to the school board so they may choose the next district leader.

There will be one more focus group session that will be held on December 18 and a digital survey will be held from December 19 to January 2, 2023. More details about the search and the upcoming events can be found on the Colby School District website.