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Abbotsford balances budget, passes raises

The Abbotsford City Council proposed a set of raises for its members and the mayor position at its Oct. 19 meeting. The council’s raises would take effect in 2024 while the mayor’s raises would begin after spring elections in 2023.

Alderman Roger Weideman initiated the conversation, suggesting the council should make $75 per council and committee meeting.

The proposal would mean the council would make $75 per council and committee meeting vs. the current $65 rate. The mayor would also make $750 per year instead of $500 as well as $75 per committee meeting.

Committee meetings include: planning commission, library board, CAPD commission and board of review meetings. Fire commission meetings are paid through the fire department.

Up for election in the spring of 2023 are aldermen Mason Rachu, Dale Rachu, Kayla Nixdorf and Sarah Diedrich. Dale Rachu already made it known he would not be running for his ward 2 position next year because he said he wasn’t able to make a lot of the meetings due to his job.

The council will have to approve at their November meeting a new ordinance that says the raises will not go into effect until two voting cycles have passed to ensure the council would not be voting on their own rates of pay. Previously, that language did not exist in the city’s ordinances.

The council will need to update its ordinances that pertain to the process involved in giving the council raises. Dale Rachu estimated the last time raises were given to the council would have been around 15 years ago.

City administrator Josh Soyk said although the raises would not take place until 2024, the budget will balance itself when the raises take effect.

“In the past we’ve always had our public works committee and planning committee,” Soyk said. “Now, we’re down to two meetings a month so our wages aren’t as high as they have been in the past.”

2023 budget

The council approved a preliminary version of the 2023 budget which will be officially approved at the council’s November meeting. The budget would then need to be advertised in the paper before a public hearing can occur and the budget can be formally passed.

The budget reflects an increase of .10 percent for the general fund from last year’s budget. Likewise, water (.59 percent) and the library fund (2.73 percent increase) experienced minimal increases. The projected budget will give the sewer fund a 13.94 percent increase in 2023 after federal funds are reimbursed for various projects next year.

Other business

n The council voted to approve an increase in pay for the city’s crossing guard to $25 per day. The council appreciated the fact that he shows up for work everyday with a smile and always had the kids’ safety in mind.

n Abbotsford resident Jim Colby inquired about the Straight Shot Investments townhome project that was projected to begin building soon. He told the council that building materials are as low as he thinks they will be for a while and said now would be the time to begin the project. Colby asked the council if now would be a good time to reach out to Noel Felix III of Straight Shot Investments to see when they can expect the homes to be built. He also said there was a person interested in building a home in Abbotsford but there are no lots available that suit their needs. If Straight Shot Investments was not willing to build, Colby said that person would consider building in the vacant area.

n The Colby-Abbotsford Police Department will be welcoming a new officer to the rotation in the coming months. Bauer said at a police commission meeting that the goal would be to have the officer trained and ready to go by the beginning of December to help with the Christmas Parade.

n The council was notified it would be getting just over $250,000 in transportation aids for 2023 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

n The Red Arrow Park concession stand site has been brought up to grade and plumbing has been installed. Concrete work will come next with the physical building to follow.