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Colby football gives back

Colby football gives back Colby football gives back

While prepping for their big match with number one ranked Edgar this week, the Colby Hornets football team took time to pass the pigskin around for a good cause — autographing footballs for the Marshfield Childrens Hospital.

The footballs will be delivered later this week. The idea was the brainchild of Colby alum, and host of The Hornet’s Nest, Matt Oehmichen.

Oehmichen said he and Colby Hornets head coach Jim Hagen are always finding ways to support children at the hospital, and like their live streamed wave, this was another way to boost spirits.

“I think if you’re a parent of a kid in the hospital, an act like this means a lot, as well as for the football players,” Oehmichen said. “It is a way for them to see they make impacts, not just on the field but also off it.”

Oehmichen hopes other schools will follow Colby’s example.

“My personal goal is to watch this expand past Colby,” he said. “I want to see other athletic programs reach out... and do something similar.”