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New Lake Holcombe Food Pantry another step closer

New Lake Holcombe Food Pantry another step closer New Lake Holcombe Food Pantry another step closer

Dreams have become reality at the site for the new Lake Holcombe Food Pantry, as ground was broken May 7. Located at Staudacher Field (Lake Holcombe Lions Club pavilion) on County Hwy. M, the building will be an addition onto the existing clubhouse, with a separate entrance.

Currently, about $115,000 has been raised for the new building, with $10,000 or $15,000 more to go. Food pantry coordinator Dawn Rank says the committee that raised the funds, has enough to start the project, but more will be needed to finish it.

“Yes, we need more money,” she said. “Now’s not the time to ask for it.”

Rank said all the donations lately have been for food costs to help with the increased need of community members affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on bids, the costs could run higher or lower, so Rank said donations to the building fund are appreciated, as concrete should be poured within the week.

“We’ve got all local contractors, from Ladysmith to Stanley,” said Rank.

With the curbside pick-up the second and fourth Tuesdays, from 2-5 p.m., at the Holcombe United Methodist Church, the pantry has been able to include fresh oranges, eggs and cheese curds. Rank says between the pantry and meals served by delivery from Lake Holcombe School staff, people’s needs are being met.

“The school has done such a wonderful job,” she said.

Once the new building is complete, with freezers and coolers (something that is lacking now), vegetables, fruits and meat will be regular fare to those visiting the new site.

“It’s going to be so nice,” said Rank.