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Rib Lake Village board hears results of community vision plan

At the September 11 meeting of the Rib Lake Village Board, Rib Lake Community Development Foundation member Travis Grubbs presented a vision plan that the Foundation put together for the village.

The work is an outgrowth of a planning and engagement event that was held July 3 at Camp 28. At that event, the Foundation heard what the Rib Lake community’s goals are for the future. The number one recommendation the foundation heard was the need for a grocery store in Rib Lake. Other goals included more housing, more businesses such as a beauty shop or a florist, programming like farmers markets or live music events, tourist attractions such as mini golf, access to health care, a focus on waterfront and park areas, and youth services such as a Boys and Girls Club.

These goals were in response to issues brought to the Foundation including vacant buildings in the downtown, not having a grocery store, a lack of affordable housing, and Main Street businesses not being maintained or turned into apartments.

Grubbs’ presentation focussed on revitalizing the Rib Lake community by linking the main parts of the village together and focusing on what makes the community great. A large part of the vision was utilizing the area’s natural resources to support the ideas. The Foundation is currently applying for grants and determining what the priorities of the vision are. More information about the vision plan is on the Rib Lake Village website under the “Government” tab. The next meeting of the Rib Lake Community Development Foundation will be Monday, October 7, 2024. These meetings are open to the public.

Also present at the meeting were Scot Broman and Laura Deuso to present on the status of the Bandshell project. The project is now 18 months in, and the goal is to begin construction this fall on the bandshell. The area of the bandshell is marked, and necessary trees around will come down soon. There will be no seating provided at the bandshell for events.

“On behalf of the Village Board, we are really happy. When you get people involved in the community like (Broman) and the Development (Foundation) it’s really nice. Rib Lake: Moving Forward,” said Board President William Schreiner.

In other business:

• Trick or Treating will be held on Sunday, October 27 from 3-6 p.m. If a house is participating, their porch light should be turned on.

• Large item drop off day for the Fall Cleanup will be from the 22-24 of October from 12-7 p.m.

• The Board approved a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures regarding repairing the water tower if they receive a grant. “Fixing the water tower is a priority,” said Schreiner.

• There were repairs necessary at the ambulance garage because of pipes clogged with feminine products.

• The village utilities crew has been cleaning water valves and recalibrating meters. In addition, the dike was completely clogged by muskrats and the crew cleaned it out.